Britt Lawrence

introducing my "eclectic" life

Nice to meet you!

Writer. Dreamer. Doer. Not always in that order.

While covering "reel" life for nearly a decade, it is also time to focus on the "real" one. Welcome to my eclectic life! It is not always glamorous but it is mine. Fun fact: I love my dog Chewy, traveling, adventure, TV, movies, and a good mystery.
Britt and Chewy

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favorites of the month

I Have A Bad Case Of Wanderlust And It Is Crushing Me
Wanderlust. I have it, and it is not going away any time soon. For me, the feeling manifests, and l…
Why (And How) I Realized I Wear A Different Kind Of Mask
One of the things that you may not think about when you consider someone living with chronic pain i…
Is The Worst Month I Have Ever Endured Almost Over?
What. A. Month. It has been one of the toughest of my life, and if I had known what would lie ahead…
Why I Am Getting Blonde Highlights After 10 Years
Confession: I have been a brunette, a blonde, and a red head. For the past ten years, I have been r…